The Division of Property: How Divorce Lawyers in Auburn, Indiana Help Clients Come to Reasonable Terms

by | Jan 19, 2017 | Attorney

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Even with the most amicable of divorces, there is the need to divide what is known as marital assets. This broad term includes any property, furnishings, stocks, and other items each party brought into the marriage or was acquired prior to the divorce filing. To come up with a plan the court is likely to approve, it makes sense to work closely with the divorce lawyers in Auburn, Indiana and make specific decisions about each asset.

A Practical Approach

The goal of a reasonable division of property is to take into account what each party contributed to the marriage and what each one will need to make a new start. Depending on the financial situation of both parties, the court could decide that one spouse will retain possession of the home. That’s especially true if the couple has children who will live with a custodial parent in that home. At the same time, it may be prudent to ensure the non-custodial parent keeps one of the cars so there is a way to get to and from work and be in a position to make child support payments.

Compromise is Important

There are bound to be some assets that both parties would like to retain. Part of the support offered by the divorce lawyers in Auburn, Indiana is important to help their clients make decisions about which of those assets end up in the permanent possession of the other. This often requires some amount of compromise on the part of each spouse. For example, one spouse gets to keep the china the couple received as a wedding gift. By agreeing to that, the other spouse keeps the den furniture. While it may take some doing, compromises that allow each party to have some of what they need and want is more likely to be approved by the court.

If ending the marriage is the only practical thing to do, contact the team at Yoder & Kraus today. The lawyer will help the client understand what current divorce laws in Indiana require, provide help with reaching a reasonable settlement and, in general, make sure the rights of the client are protected at all times.

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