A criminal charge can change your life forever. When you get accused of a crime, only a criminal lawyer Palm Coastcan assist you whether you are charged with a serious crime or misdemeanor. Though a misdemeanor isn’t as serious as a felony, it can stay on your record. When you get charged, you are usually issued a citation on when to appear in court. You may wonder if a Criminal Lawyer Palm Coast is necessary for a lesser charge. Criminal law is a complex matter that demands much knowledge and the right representative to help you fight it.
You could represent yourself, but you must know the difference between a guilty plea and not guilty plea. If you admit to being guilty, you will avoid a trial. A not guilty plea means you must undergo a trial. During the trial, the prosecution attempts to bring in witnesses and police reports. Without legal representation, you will have to prove your own innocence. This is where you need legal knowledge. The lack of legal knowledge on the issue could make it difficult to prove your innocence. A lawyer can gather the right evidence to present in court and dispute anything that makes you guilty. They will be able to assist you in getting a more favorable outcome.
When you are dealing with any kind of charge, it can be overwhelming trying to find the right attorney. You can find attorneys in you local telephone directory of from others who have been in your situation. Select your legal representative carefully. As soon as you are arrested and find an attorney, you must talk to them immediately. The lawyer may be able to arrange a bail.
The costs are another matter to consider. If you do not have the means to hire a criminal lawyer Palm Coast, you will be assigned one. Otherwise, you should decide whether you want to pay a flat rate, an hourly charge, or contingency. A contingency fee means you don’t pay unless you win. Having legal representation is important even for misdemeanor charges. A criminal attorney is your only way to get out of the charge.