Court Reporting on an International Scale

by | Nov 4, 2013 | Legal Services

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Your law office wants to serve your clients to the best of its ability. Your company has a positive image in the community and the state. Depo International knows how hard you have had to work to achieve your reputation. They know how hard it will be to keep moving up the ladder into the national and international business world and they want to help get you there!

Court Reporting is an essential part of growing your litigation business to a national level. You need to participate in depositions, arbitrations, and hearings. You will need trial support and litigation tools, including court reporting, videography, legal translators, and process serving. This is where a company like Depo International out of Minneapolis gives you the valuable support your case needs. Their court reporters have experience in every area of law. All of the reporters hold an RPR certification (Registered Professional Reporter). Many of the reporters are Registered Merit Reporters. When you have litigation service needs, these are the reporters to whom you want to turn!

If your office has a heavy caseload, as many top quality law offices do, securing all of the necessary litigation services can be difficult. With Depo International’s “One Call-Schedule it All” mentality, arranging depositions, meetings, and arbitrations is simple. All you need to do is check your calendar and arrive on time! Depo International will provide you with a 5 day turnaround time on your transcripts, tabbed exhibits, word indexes, condensed transcripts, audio tapes, video tapes, CD-ROMS, and more. You will even have access to your transcripts instantly in either the ASCII or E-transcript format.

Do this description sound overwhelming? Then let Depo International handle your scheduling for you! They will arrange a court reporter, videographer, and location for you. You will be provided your transcript in a highly-readable and searchable format within 5 business days for in-state depositions. When the time comes for trial, your paperwork and transcripts will be ready to go. The skilled and knowledgeable people at Depo International will have done all of the scheduling, coordinating, and document preparation for you. You and your client will be able to walk into a court room, meeting, or arbitration room, highly prepared with all of your documents in order. For this ease and convenience of scheduling and trial preparation.

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