Tips on Avoiding Police Stops and Arrests in Ocean City MD

by | Sep 4, 2014 | Lawyer

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At times, you may think that the traffic police have something against you because you always fall prey to their stops. The police officers are doing what they are paid to do; there must be reasons for the stops. Most arrests in Ocean City, MD are from traffic offenders and they all begin with a stop. Here are some of the most important tips you should observe to avoid frequent police stops.

Avoid Over speeding

There are signs everywhere reminding you of the maximum speed you should drive at. Anything above the required speed is known as over speeding. For instance, in a residential area, where you should not exceed 20km/h, driving at 30km/hr is over speeding and a traffic police is justified to stop and give you an over speeding ticket.

Update Your License and Plate Tags

Ensure that your plates are visible and that your license is renewed if expired. If you have expired licenses, there is a definite ticket for that. It doesn’t demand much; just a regular check on your licenses plate and ensuring that all is in order will save you a lot of inconveniences.

Avoid Calls While Driving

Though receiving calls hands free is safer than on hand, any minor destruction as you drive can cause a great tragedy. This includes hands free calls. The person on the other end can give you distressing news that might make you lose focus. If it is really necessary, receive calls hands free or you can alternatively park and receive the call, then proceed. A better idea would be to totally switch off.

Ensure that Your Lights Are Working

The best time to ensure that all your lights are working well would be to check during the night. This prevents nasty surprises as you drive in the night and police stops. Also ensure that at all times, you use signal lights whenever you are changing lanes.

Ensure that you observe all the above and you will get minimal or no police officer stops. Above all, avoid DUI as it may lead to Arrests in Ocean City MD. If you are under arrest and you need legal representation, get information from on contacting a lawyer.


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