What Kind of Doula Do You Need?

by | Jul 16, 2014 | Health

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Like people elsewhere in the country, Los Angeles residents who will soon be giving birth often rely on doulas to help them take care of the necessities of pregnancy, delivery, and postnatal care. If you’re thinking about hiring a Los Angeles doula, keep reading to learn more about some of the different types. Then, it should be easier to choose the kind that’s right for you.

Doulas That Help With Labor

A labor doula is the most common, and that individual will do everything possible to make sure the delivery process goes smoothly Responsibilities might include bringing water and food to the expectant mother as needed, coaching her through visualization and breathing techniques to ease labor pains, and providing massage. A Los Angeles doula of this type generally will visit an expectant mother at least twice before the actual delivery to get to know the client better.

Antepartum Doulas

Although many mothers are fortunate enough to have pregnancies that proceed without problems, others are told to be cautious because their pregnancies are high risk. Many are also ordered by doctors to participate in extended periods of bed rest. In those cases, a Los Angeles doula that specializes in antepartum care could be invaluable. Once hired, the individual might provide parenting education, a listening ear, and help with doing things around the house.

Postpartum Doulas

These doulas help mothers make the transition into being new parents, often doing things such as teaching breast-feeding or giving tips about how to get a newborn to go to sleep, or stop being fussy.

Miscarriage Doula

The types of doulas you’ve already read about focus on bringing new life into the world. However, if you are someone who was expecting a child and unfortunately had a miscarriage, you could hire a Los Angeles doula to help you through the heartache. Often, these doulas have personally experienced the same kind of pain you’re now going through, meaning they may be able to provide an unparalleled kind of support.

Now that you know more about the main kinds of doulas, it should be much easier to find someone who can truly fit your needs and help you feel more equipped to face a new challenge. The relationship you build with your doula may positively impact the rest of your life.

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