Clean Air Starts At Home

by | Jul 10, 2014 | Air Conditioning

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According to the statistics, the average person in the United States spends around 90% of their time inside. Recent studies, however, indicate that the air we breathe when we are inside may actually be as polluted or more so than the air outside. Although the actual pollutants and the affects they may have on our health are different, it remains that we need to improve our indoor air quality. In Phoenix, this is possible through testing.

What is Indoor Air Quality?

Indoor air quality testing or IAQ refers to the content of the air we breathe when we are indoors. Specifically, it considers the various particulates and other matter that may adversely affect our health. In Phoenix, AZ and other American states, IAQ may specifically denote the presence of any of the following pollutants:

  • Mold

  • Bacteria

  • Pet dander

  • Carbon monoxide

  • Radon

  • Formaldehyde

  • Fire-retardants

  • Allergens e.g. dust mites

  • Lead

  • House cleaning chemicals

  • Mass stressor

  • Energy stressor that can induce health effects.

How the Pollutants Arrive

Pollutants can arrive in your home through one or more methods. You, your pet, friend, visitors and other human and four or two legged beings can track them in. They can come on your clothing or your feet. They can arrive with the furniture e.g. mattresses, carpet, chairs. The paint on the walls can contain pollutants. The cleaners you use in your bathroom or the chemicals you put on or are part of your carpet can contain these poisons. All can have a serious impact on the indoor air quality and, therefore, your health.

Who is Affected Most by Poor Indoor Air Quality?

Indoor pollutants can affect everyone in your household or workplace. The same applies to pets. They, too, can be allergic to various substances in your home. Yet, certain groups are more susceptible to poor indoor air quality. In Phoenix, this group consists of:

  • Children

  • Elderly

  • Individuals with asthma

How to Improve Indoor Air Quality

If you want to find out the indoor air quality in your home, you can arrange for some tests. You can arrange for a qualified air quality technician to visit your home. He or she will be able to tell you the levels of different substances such as radon and carbon monoxide. The professional may also be able to suggest some simple solutions. Installing proper ventilation can help dilute many of the indoor air pollutants. Filtration systems as well as changing cleaning products to environmentally friendly ones are also the way to tackle the problem.

Americans spend a large percentage of their time inside. Here, they face unseen and often unrecognized pollutants. They can become ill as a result of poor indoor air quality. In Phoenix, hiring an air quality analysis can help you pin point the issues. The result can be an overall improvement in the indoor air quality and, therefore, the health of you and your family and/or business.

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