Health Care and You

by | Sep 19, 2013 | Health

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Your primary health care provider is usually your doctor, whom you visit if you feel under the weather, sick, tired, underweight, overweight, exhausted for no reason or you find a bump or lump that you can’t explain. Our doctors are the people we go to first and they will assess our situation and make recommendations. In cases where further health investigations are necessary your doctor will send an order through to your local hospital for the appropriate tests. This will trigger paperwork from your insurance company who then decide what portion of the examinations and treatment you will pay for and how much they will pay. Many people find it irritating that they have to pay a co-pay, despite having to pay insurance premiums and they believe that it should be the sole responsibility of the insurance company to pay all costs. However, that rule is not likely to change any time soon, so people basically have to pay the costs requested and this can put people in serious financial hardship.

Options and Costs

If, for example, a family has a child who needs long term treatment and the insurance payout level is capped, the family becomes responsible for paying all the costs over and above the insurance company’s cut-off level. Many have to sell their homes, take second jobs and go to extreme measures just to pay the medical bills and there is a strong argument in favor of paying just a little more tax from their wage packet to get a government program similar to the National Health Service in the United Kingdom. People argue that it would be cheaper for them to pay $40-$50 a month to see their doctor for free and have treatment at zero cost to them, instead of paying $200-$400 per month for a policy that could still lose them their homes. Put that way it might seem unfair that such a program doesn’t exist for all Americans.

Health care in Lancaster PA, for instance, offers a similar set of guidelines for each insurance buyer that insurance companies around the country offer. The companies each decide on their limit for paying medical bills to individual policy holders and there is a frequent cut-off limit for many treatments, as well as a right to refuse to cover pre-existing conditions. This can also frustrate many people who believe that pre-existing conditions should be carried over if a person changes their insurance company from one to another.

To find the very best health care in Lancaster PA, contact Wevodau Insurance & Benefit Strategies for all your health care requirements. Click here for more details.

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