A Criminal Defense Lawyer Ft Worth will enable you to plead your case in a court of law. This could enable you to avoid a conviction. Your attorney will review the evidence that is stacked against you and help you understand your odds. He or she will begin building a strong defense case for you on day one. If you require the services of a criminal defense attorney, you may secure him or her by initiating your right to counsel.
Felonies and Their Affects on Your Life
A felony conviction presents the probability of an extensive prison sentence. The sentence you receive is based on the prosecution’s ability to convict you and the severity of the crime. If the prosecution convicts you of a felony charge, it is probable that she, or he will attempt to acquire the highest possible sentence. In some cases, this implies that you may receive a life sentence without parole or even the death penalty.
In cases, where you are eligible for parole the judge will place restrictions upon your release. These restrictions may include refraining from consuming alcoholic beverages, visiting specific areas, or even that you are carefully monitored daily. This presents the possibility that you may not acquire sufficient employment based on some restrictions. A felony charge will prevent you from acquiring high-caliber jobs due to the need for security clearances.
Hiring Adequate Legal Counsel
It is important that you hire an attorney that is familiar with cases that are similar to your own. By achieving these you increase your odds of receiving an acquittal. Your attorney will determine your chances based on previous cases he or she has won in the past.
Criminal defense attorneys in Ft Worth present your side of a criminal defense case. This allows you to share your story with the judge and the jury. You may also testify on your own behalf. Your attorney will assist you in preparing for your day in court. It is important that you provide your attorney with as many details related to your case as you can. This will prevent sudden surprises during the trial that may be detrimental to your case. If you need a criminal defense attorney, you should make a selection and schedule a consultation immediately.