Car accidents happen because someone wasn’t paying attention or because a mechanic installed a part improperly. A poorly maintained road or manufactured part can also cause an accident. These are negligent actions and if someone was injured because of them, they are entitled to damages. The amount of damages depends upon the cost of medical treatment, lost wages, and pain and suffering. It’s also possible to receive damages to pay for emotional trauma. The injured person should hire an Experienced Personal Injury Attorney in Louisville to ensure that they receive the financial compensation they are entitled to.
A personal injury lawyer knows how to work with doctors to carefully document the injuries that resulted from the accident. The cost of medical treatment has to be monitored and the prognosis for a total or partial recovery needs to be noted. The person may miss so much work from their time in the hospital or recuperating at home that they lose their job and health insurance.
T.J. Smith Attorney at Law will identify all of the people whose negligence contributed to the accident. He will then notify them and their insurance companies of their responsibility in the accident and file the proper claim forms. The insurance company will investigate. They will either agree with the requested amount of restitution or they will counter with a lesser amount. Often the insurance companies involved disagree with the severity of the injuries or their duration. These companies make money by charging high premiums and paying low claims.
If the injured person and the insurance companies can’t agree on a monetary settlement, then they go to court. A jury will review the evidence and determine who was negligent and how much the injured person should receive. Many plaintiffs are afraid that they can’t afford a lawyer to do this for them. They relax when they hear that personal injury cases are taken on a contingency basis. That means that the lawyer only gets paid, if they win a settlement for their client. Usually they take about 20 percent. While this may sound high the client has to realize they pay for all the costs of mounting an aggressive case at trial.