Regular Septic Tank Cleaning in Tampa, FL Prevents Damage to the Leaching Field

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Homeowners should note on their calendars to have a scheduled septic tank cleaning Tampa fl procedure every year. The septic tank is part of a larger septic system. This ensures that the wastewater from their toilets, showers, faucets, and washing machine will be treated and discharged into the environment properly. All water that is used in the home passes through a series of pipes into the septic tank. While it is in the septic tank bacteria process the waste. Ultimately it either becomes a solid that drops to the bottom of the tank or it becomes a liquid or grease that floats to the top.

Once the liquids reach a certain height in the tank, they are drawn by gravity into a series of pipes. These pipes are two to three feet below the ground and sit on a bed of gravel. They have holes in them to allow the water to gradually seep into the gravel. The gravel is the top part of the leaching field. The gravel and soil below it continue the process of cleaning the waste. If the septic tank cleaning procedure isn’t conducted on time, then the sludge and solid at the bottom of the tank rises too high. It reaches the height of the entrance and moves out into the pipes and the leaching field. When this happens those pipes can become clogged and permanently damaged.

Toilets and other drains can back up because the septic tank cleaning Tampa fl procedure wasn’t done soon enough. When the sludge in the septic system gets too high, it blocks the pipes leading to the septic tank. In this case, pumping out the septic system will allow the toilets and other drains to flow into the septic tank. If the sludge hasn’t moved out into the leach field, the homeowner may still have a functioning septic system.

Because it’s bacteria in the septic system that treats the sewage, it’s important to minimize the use of household products that kill them. That includes bleach and anti-bacterial soap. It’s better for a homeowner to do several loads of wash with bleach on one day and then let the septic system rest for two or three days. This gives the bacteria time to repopulate.

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