The Criminal Defense Attorney in Reading PA Will Protect Your Rights in a Criminal Case

by | Jul 10, 2013 | Lawyer

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Every person is innocent until proven guilty. That is the old saying. If you have been accused or charged with a criminal offense, you will need a Criminal Defense Attorney Reading PA to help. Experienced lawyers in criminal cases are the only ones that should represent you in court. It is imperative that you find one immediately after being charged or are being investigated for a crime.

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There are several levels of criminal acts, if convicted, can hold many years in prison and hefty fines. The lawyers at Ebner Nevins And McAllister are experienced and willing to take on your case. Each client is a primary focus and not just a number. These attorneys are well-versed in the criminal penal code and will be dedicated to representing you in court, if necessary. There are many details in each law and this team knows them and will utilize their knowledge to fight the prosecution on your behalf.

Criminal Defense Attorney Reading PA is ready to handle your case if you are charged with any of the following: DUI, a violent and/or sex crime, drug charges, white collar crime and if you are charged with a juvenile crime.

During your initial free consultation, your charges will be discussed and a defense plan will begin to take shape. There is nothing too difficult or embarrassing that won’t gain the attention of the attorneys at our firm. We are known for not backing down to challenges of the evidence that is held by the prosecution, the accounts of witnesses, nor testimony of the law officers involved in your case.

Our reputation is well-known as we have represented thousands of people in the County. Why would you want to face any criminal charge, even a minor one, without the best representation. If you are accused of a misdemeanor, you could be facing a fine and/or jail time. Knowing how the judges feel about certain crimes, we are better able to prepare a solid case for your defense.

Being accused of a crime is serious business. You need Criminal Defense Attorney Reading PA on your side to navigate the legalities that you are facing. From misdemeanors to felonies, you don’t want to go to court unprepared and alone. Our team will protect your rights whether you are wrongly accused or if you made a mistake. We will fight for the best outcome in a criminal lawsuit.

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