Hire an Illinois Private Investigator for Your Child Custody Case

by | May 27, 2013 | Business

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The custody of your children can be a complicated matter, whether you are dealing with it in conjunction with a divorce or you have never been married. While both parents are often fit to spend a significant amount of time with the children involved, this isn’t always the case. If you feel the other parent may be a threat to the children, you may need to hire an Illinois private investigator to help you with your case.


Child abuse is a major concern when it comes to child custody issues. While no one wants to think a parent could actually harm his own child, it does happen more often than it should. However, the court isn’t going to take a parent’s word for it. Instead, you need some type of a proof. A private investigator can keep an eye on the children’s other parent and gather the proper evidence necessary to show the parent truly is a threat to the children.


Sometimes it isn’t about actual physical or emotional abuse that is a threat to the children. Instead, an Illinois private investigator may be necessary to prove the other parent is neglectful to the children. The other parent isn’t going to readily admit that he is incapable of caring for the children or that he has neglected them. This is why you need a private investigator to keep an eye on the situation so you can present actual evidence to the court to show why the other parent should have less time.


After the court order is in place, you may still run into problems with the courts. The other parent may not be following the court order properly, leaving you to wonder what you can do about it. A private investigator can help you prove the other party isn’t following the orders appropriately so the other parent can be punished properly. Without the right proof, contempt charges can often be difficult to obtain.

An Illinois private investigator can be useful tool in your child custody case, whether it is a part of your divorce or a custody hearing by itself. When one parent isn’t fit to be a parent, either due to abuse or neglect, you will need the help of a private investigator to prove your allegations. There are too many false allegations in child custody cases, making actual evidence necessary. Even after a court order is in place, a private investigator can help you prove your contempt allegations as well.

To learn more about how an Illinois private investigator can help with your child custody case, visit AllStateInvestigation.com.

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