Fifty percent of the individuals applying for emergency payday loans in Virginia will be unable to pay it back on time. On time means the loan is paid back on the payday following the loan. If paid back on the following payday, the borrower will realize low financing fees and interest.
Too often, the thinking is the payday loan was extra cash, but it is not. It is advance for what the individual will be receiving from an employer in 14 days or less. Before he knows it, both amounts of cash are spent and the lender was not paid back.
Management Technique # 1
If the emergency payday loans in Virginia are to repair the car, repair the car and in the family budget log, put the income amount in 14 days as the normal amount to be received minus what was borrowed. That money has to be deleted from the “to use” column. This should be done during the following employer pay day, not two or three pay periods away.
The following employer pay day may be in seven days, in 14 days or in 30 days. Whichever one it is, eliminate it from the cash flow column immediately so the borrower is in the mindset to repay the loan immediately.
Management Technique # 2
Because of payments, expenses and the like, the borrower knows for sure he will need additional time to pay back the emergency payday loans Virginia. It is important to speak with the customer service representative about this possibility at the time of receiving the loan.
Payday loan lenders can sometimes make arrangements to extend the loan up to three months. Be aware of the additional high interest rates and financing fees. This can become a cycle not easily exited if the borrower does not understand the costs of extending the loan.
Before making the commitment to obtain the loan, make sure you have the exact figures if the loan is extended for three pay cycles.
Management Technique # 3
Figure ahead of time where you are on the scale of needing emergency payday loans in Virginia. The loan can quickly get out of hand with the financing fees and interest till the amount needing to be paid back is double and triple what was borrowed. The payday loan lender wants the client to understand the arrangement so they will repay the loan so it is important to ask the question.