Tips for HDCam SR Editing

by | Sep 24, 2013 | Video

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Camcorders have become extremely popular in the last few years because you can do just about anything with one; from taking still shots to moving videos. Many people don’t know that you can also edit on an HD camera, something known as HDCam editing. HD technology is a real break-through in video resolution, it has been known to present its own set of problems for home users. Below are some tips on how to perform HDCam SR editing.

The first thing you need to realize is that in order to maintain the high quality of the HD video, all of the components that you use when editing must be compatible with HD. HDCam SR editing isn’t the same thing as editing on a normal camcorder. Of course, you need to have a computer at home to be able to perform HDCam SR editing, because it can’t be done inside the camera. You also need to make sure that you have the right software as well.

HD camcorders save in a variety of different file types, so the next thing you need to do is see what type of file your HD camera saves in. You will need to get the software that matches your file type and the brand of camera you are using.

Once you have all of this together, you need to import the video from camera into your computer. You need to perform the HDCam SR editing with the correct software. If you don’t have HD software, then you will need to convert the HD to standard before you can continue with your editing. Of course, if you switch the HD to standard definition, your video will no longer be in HD, so it is best to go out and buy the proper HD software and components before you ever start the process. As a matter of fact, you may want to go ahead and pick up all of the software when you by the HD camcorder. It makes no sense to shoot in HD and then have to have the final video be in standard definition.

Chromavision provides professional HDCam SR editing services. For more information visit the website or Follow us on Facebook at

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