A DUI Attorney in Red Bluff, CA is the first line of defense for you when you are facing these charges. He or she presents effective options that enable you to fight this violation based on the facts. In order to secure a DUI conviction the arresting officer must present solid evidence to support the allegations. You have the right to refuse testing and the right to secure an attorney.
Understanding Your Rights in DUI Cases
The initial threat you may receive from law enforcement is that if you refuse to participate in testing that your license is immediately suspended. While it is true that the judge may suspend your license in the beginning of your case, the suspension will not remain. In these proceedings, your attorney can have this order overturned due to lack of evidence.
If the arresting officer is unable to prove that you were intoxicated or under the influence of a controlled substance, he or she cannot convict you of the charge. Without a conviction, a license suspension is no longer valid. Despite the arresting officers demands, you have the right to refuse all sobriety tests conducted without your legal counsel present. You have the right to request an attorney as early as the moment you are pulled over.
Local Criminal Lawyer
Mark H. Cibula is a DUI Attorney in Red Bluff, CA. He offers legal representation for individuals who are accused of DUI charges. This attorney additionally provides litigation services that related to business law, personal injuries, and wrongful death. If you require legal representation for a criminal charge or are ready to file a claim you should contact this attorney through his local office.
A DUI Attorney in Red Bluff, CA provides legal representation for individuals who were arrested on driving under the influence charges. These attorneys are familiar with the requirements for these charges and how evidence is collected. They are additionally aware of the punishments assigned to these charges if a conviction occurs. With this in mind, an attorney practicing in criminal law gathers evidence to contradict that of the prosecution.