Questions to Ask Pest Exterminator Services in Gig Harbor WA

by | Jan 4, 2021 | roofing

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If you have pests in your house or if you are trying to prevent them, you need to make sure you are doing everything you can to keep them out of the house. Preventing them from getting into your house or office is the most effective way to control the number of pests. After that, you need to make sure you are in touch with quality pest exterminator services in your area. You need to ask them certain questions to create the best possible service for your home or business.

What Are They Eating?
As with any other animals, pests are in search of food almost constantly. If they are in your house or business, they are probably in search of food or they have found a source of food. They will find food in many different places that you might not even think about. For example, you should ask an exterminator about your drains. Many small insects can actually live on the scraps of food that get caught in your kitchen sink drain. If you call pest exterminator services in Gig Harbor WA, ask them about ways to clear your drains of food scraps.

Your bathroom is another common spot that entices pests. You should visit us to schedule an appointment. After you do that, go to your bathroom and make sure you clean off any shaving cream or toothpaste from all hard surfaces.

Where Are They Hiding?
Pests are very good at hiding, even from the most experienced pest exterminator services. If the pests are hiding from you, you should ask your exterminator about where they are hiding. Typically, they hide in the walls and other dark spaces that are out of the way. The exterminator will be able to identify some common places and then place traps and/or insecticides in those places. They’ll also teach you how to reduce those types of hiding places.

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